Anthrax |
Not applicable. As it is not recommended to vaccinate mares during pregnancy there will be no foals of mares vaccinated prepartum. |
No age specific guidelines are available for this vaccine.
Manufacturers recommendations is primary series of 2 doses administered subcutaneously at a 2 - 3 week interval. |
Antimicrobial drugs must not be given concurrently with this vaccine.
Caution should be used during storage, handling and administration of this live bacterial product. Consult a physician immediately should accidental human exposure (via mucus membranes, conjunctiva or broken skin) occur. |
Botulism |
3-dose series: 1st dose 2 - 3 months of age 2nd dose 4 weeks after 1st dose. 3rd dose 4 weeks after 2nd dose. |
3-dose series: 1st dose 1 - 3 months of age 2nd dose 4 weeks after 1st dose. 3rd dose 4 weeks after 2nd dose. |
Maternal antibody does not interfere with vaccination; foals at high risk may be vaccinated as early as 2 weeks of age. |
Equine Herpesvirus (EHV) |
Inactivated or modified live vaccine: 3-dose series: 1st dose 4 - 6 months of age 2nd dose 4 - 6 weeks after 1st dose 3rd dose at 10 - 12 months of age
Revaccinate at 6-month intervals |
Inactivated or modified live vaccine: 3-dose series: 1st dose 4 - 6 months of age 2nd dose 4 - 6 weeks after 1st dose 3rd dose at 10 - 12 months of age
Revaccinate at 6-month intervals |
N/A |
Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) |
Colt (male) foals: Single dose at 6 - 12 months of age (see comments) |
Colt (male) foals: Single dose at 6 - 12 months of age (see comments) |
Prior to initial vaccination, colt (male) foals should undergo serologic testing and be confirmed negative for antibodies to EAV. Testing should be performed shortly prior to, or preferably at, the time of vaccination.
As foals can carry colostral derived antibodies to EAV for up to 6 months, testing and vaccination should not be performed prior to 6 months of age. |
Equine Influenza |
Inactivated vaccine: 3-dose series: 1st dose at 6 months of age 2nd dose 3 - 4 weeks after 1st dose 3rd dose at 10 - 12 months of age
Modified live vaccine: 2-dose series administered intranasally: 1st dose at 6 - 7 months of age 2nd dose at 11 - 12 months of age
Canary pox vector vaccine: 2-dose series: 1st dose at 6 months of age 2nd dose 5 weeks after 1st dose
Revaccinate at 6-month intervals |
Inactivated vaccine: 3-dose series: 1st dose at 6 months of age 2nd dose 3 - 4 weeks after 1st dose 3rd dose at 10 - 12 months of age
Modified live vaccine: 2-dose series administered intranasally: 1st dose at 6 - 7 months of age 2nd dose at 11 - 12 months of age
Canary pox vector vaccine: 2-dose series: 1st dose at 6 months of age 2nd dose 5 weeks after 1st dose
Revaccinate at 6-month intervals |
An increased risk of disease may warrant vaccination of younger foals. Because some maternal anti-influenza antibody is likely to be present, a complete series of primary vaccinations should still be given after 6 months of age. |
Leptospirosis |
2-dose series: 1st dose at 6 months of age 2nd dose 3 - 4 weeks after 1st dose
Annual revaccination |
2-dose series: 1st dose at 6 months of age 2nd dose 3 - 4 weeks after 1st dose
Annual revaccination |
Safety has been demonstrated in foals 3 months of age. The effects of circulating maternal antibody and vaccination have not been determined. |
Potomac Horse Fever (PHV) |
2-dose series: 1st dose at 5 months of age 2nd dose 3 - 4 weeks after 1st dose |
2-dose series: 1st dose at 5 months of age 2nd dose 3 - 4 weeks after 1st dose |
If risk warrants, vaccine may be administered to younger foals. Subsequent doses are to be administered at 4-week intervals until 6 months of age. |
Snake Bite |
Please see guidelines for additional information. |
Please see guidelines for additional information. |
N/A |
Strangles - Streptococcus equi |
Killed vaccine: 3-dose series: 1st dose at 4 - 6 months of age 2nd dose 4 - 6 weeks after 1st dose 3rd dose 4 - 6 weeks after 2nd dose
Modified live vaccine: 3-dose series administered intranasally: 1st dose at 6 - 9 months of age 2nd dose 3 - 4 weeks after 1st dose 3rd dose at 11 - 12 months of age |
Killed vaccine: 3-dose series: 1st dose at 4 - 6 months of age 2nd dose 4 - 6 weeks after 1st dose 3rd dose 4 - 6 weeks after 2nd dose
Modified live vaccine: 3-dose series administered intranasally: 1st dose at 6 - 9 months of age 2nd dose 3 - 4 weeks after 1st dose 3rd dose at 11 - 12 months of age |
Vaccination is not recommended as a strategy in outbreak mitigation.
If risk warrants, the modified live vaccine (MLV) may be safely administered to foals as young as 6 weeks of age. However, vaccine efficacy in this age group has not been adequately studied. If MLV is administered to younger foals, a 3rd dose of vaccine should then be administered 2 - 4 weeks prior to weaning.
The risk of vaccine-associated adverse events is increased when the MLV product is administered to young foals. |