Control insects and other nuisances around your home, barn, and garden with State Line Tack’s assortment of home pest control and garden pest control products. Shop sprays, dispensers, repellents, concentrates, curtains, scratchers, door toppers, fly bait, and more for whatever you need. We offer products from brands you know and love like Country Vet, Farnam, Pyrahna, Rescue, Bayer, BASF, and more.
For a pest and fly-free season, get a complete pest system kit for your barn. The Pyranha SprayMaster System Kit includes everything you need for easy installation and operation in a four-stall barn. It features an electronic timer that you can program to dispense insecticide through special spray nozzles throughout your barn. Never worry about a pest again with the spray systems from State Line Tack!
Kool Kurtains offer an insecticide-free pest control solution. Not only do they help reduce the health risks associated with mosquitoes and flies, but they also cool off your barn and sheds. They’re scientifically tested and certified to deflect up to 80% of the sun's heat rays while simultaneously keeping out bugs and birds!